About Me
----------- ALL images are for portfolio purposes, any distribution or unauthorized pirating will result in me taking legal action. This is my ONLY personal profile/portfolio & my OFFICIAL website will be released in the near future. --------------- IMPORTANT:  I will not be accepting TFP shoots, unless I feel it will further My career.  Please contact me for rate inquiries. ......... PLEASE DO NOT solicit me to work for your webcam company or your "modeling" agency. NOT Interested & NOT appreciated ........... Any booking inquiries can be done on here or @ Login to show E-mail Yours Truly, Karmella Anthony
Model Info
Зріст: 155 CM
Вага: 62 KG
Чашка: GG
Взуття: 7.0
Бюст: 81 cm
Талія: 58 cm
Стегна: 97 cm
Татування: None
Пірсінг: None
Колір очей: Brown
Довжина волосся: n/a
Колір Волосся: Brown
Ню: No
Досвід: Experienced
Умови: Depends on Assignment