About Me
My name is Laura van Hal, and I'm from the Netherlands. I'm a professional contemporary dancer, choreographer and stilt performer. I also did a lot of acting, both with text and mime or physical theater. I started modeling during the dance academy and since then I've been working with different photographers. To me modeling is a form of performing, where I am able to use my skills as a performer in a different way. From this website I hope to come into contact with new photographers and make-up artists, to broaden my horizon as the all-round performer and chameleon that I am. Please contact me by e-mail.
Model Info
Зріст: 167 CM
Вага: 53 KG
Чашка: A
Взуття: 6.0
Бюст: 82 cm
Талія: 65 cm
Стегна: 98 cm
Колір очей: Blue
Довжина волосся: Shoulder Length
Колір Волосся: Red
Ню: No
Досвід: Experienced
Умови: Depends on Assignment