About Me
I'm looking to get deeply into the artistic, offbeat, creepy, occult, strange, really anything with a little shock and awe but with some depth. I'm an artist and costume designer and I'd be interested in building pieces specifically for a vision we create. I'd really like to experiment with makeup/ body paint and effects to see what happens, and can do my own creative makeup. I think most people find me really easygoing and friendly to work with, really open to direction and experimentation for new projects :)
Model Info
Зріст: 180 CM
Вага: 57 KG
Чашка: B
Взуття: 9.5
Бюст: 89 cm
Талія: 71 cm
Стегна: 91 cm
Татування: Some
Пірсінг: Some
Колір очей: Brown
Довжина волосся: Shoulder Length
Колір Волосся: Red
Ню: No
Досвід: Experienced
Умови: Depends on Assignment