About Me
I'm an independent amateur model with some experience with photo shoots and runway shows. I'd like to expand my portfolio, push my look, and do some creative and interesting work with great people. I'm pretty open to all genres and styles, from GQ to Avant Garde to Edgy to Action/Adventure whatever, so send me a message over MM or email at l_wasilenko(at)hotmail.com and let me know what you're looking for! I'm of course open to paid work but it's not essential at this time You can see more of my work with Bob Lai through these URLs: flickr.com/photos/tawcan/sets/72157623637077266/ flickr.com/photos/tawcan/sets/72157622638461477/ I'm also an amateur photographer and am looking to work with other models to expand my behind-the-lens portfolio. Most of my work has been landscapes, outdoor sports and travel up to this point and now I'm looking to branch out. For the right project I'd also be willing to be a photographers assistant. You can check out my flickr account at (or see link above) flickr.com/photos/eljaydub/
Model Info
Зріст: 191 CM
Вага: 86 KG
Взуття: 12.5
Талія: 81 cm
Шия: 41
Рукав: 89
Внутрішній шов: 86
Колір очей: Blue
Довжина волосся: Short
Колір Волосся: Brown
Ню: No
Досвід: Some Experience
Умови: Depends on Assignment