About Me
Hi all! My name is Myrthe and as long as I can remember, I loved to be in front of a camera! I love the fact that we can create that "one perfect shot". I'm spontaneous, open minded, easy going, full of positive energie, sportive, creative and I fear no challenges. I just finished my MSc. Health Science, but still, modeling is my biggest passion! I'm really flexible in time and I love to travel :) For bookings: Login to show E-mail With love, Myrthe
Model Info
Зріст: 173 CM
Вага: 60 KG
Чашка: B
Взуття: 6.0
Бюст: 89 cm
Талія: 64 cm
Татування: None
Пірсінг: None
Колір очей: Green
Довжина волосся: n/a
Колір Волосся: Brown
Ню: No
Досвід: Very Experienced
Умови: Depends on Assignment
Усього: Світлини: 1,