About Me
Hey MM, *Please take note of the changes in my Details section* (I do also have blonde extensions) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- I used to be a ballroom dance instructor as well as a horse rider now I spend as much time as i can in front of a camera. I have modeled since the age of 17, but am looking to go more professional now. People find me a little strange because of my interest in dangerous and exotic animals as well as my weird tastes in photographs and music. Angles really fascinate me and i have always played with them when taking pictures of myself and others, the proper angle can take a picture from bland and normal, to teasing, erotic, sensual and enticing. Lighting really is what makes a picture come alive, and sets the mood, interesting lighting changes what emotions one will feel when looking at a picture, and I adore working with photographers who can set a great mood. I will shoot glamor, however dramatic and edgy are what I look for most and where I thrive. I like images that make people think. Think more timburton and less disney princess. As far as shooting with me. I will do TFP, but not when it comes to nudes. Nudes I am comfortable with if there is compensation however. Send me a message and we will talk. Just so that everyone is aware, I do have some ink now.... so if you need no tattoos, you will have to count me out!
Model Info
Зріст: 165 CM
Вага: 52 KG
Чашка: E
Взуття: 6.5
Бюст: 81 cm
Талія: 61 cm
Стегна: 81 cm
Татування: Some
Пірсінг: None
Колір очей: Blue
Довжина волосся: Shoulder Length
Колір Волосся: Blonde
Ню: Yes
Досвід: Experienced
Умови: Depends on Assignment
Усього: Світлини: 1,