About Me
Hey there, I am a twenty something vintage kinda girl who is living and loving in northern Germany, but working worldwide. I love the sound and the cars of the 40s and 50s and already gained some experience in the Pinup Photography scene. I am well capable of creating my own makeup and hair and I also own a huge collection of Vintage and Pinup Clothing and accessoires. I love hearing about new projects, feel free to contact me :)
Model Info
Зріст: 160 CM
Чашка: B
Бюст: 92 cm
Талія: 76 cm
Стегна: 104 cm
Татування: Some
Пірсінг: None
Колір очей: Blue
Довжина волосся: Medium
Колір Волосся: Blonde
Ню: No
Досвід: Some Experience
Умови: Any