About Me
Hi, I'm a photographer from The Netherlands (sometimes I do a make a portrait of myself). I enjoy working together with photographers, models, make-up artists and stylists to create beautiful artwork which tell stories. It is my passion to transform a concept to artwork. I want to learn, to discover and to experiment new things. You can follow me @ instagram: arjanvannieuwkoop_art I hope to collaborate with other artists to create new awesome stuff.
Model Info
Зріст: 183 CM
Вага: 74 KG
Взуття: 9.0
Талія: 81 cm
Шия: 41
Рукав: 66
Груди: 99
Внутрішній шов: 81
Татування: None
Пірсінг: None
Колір очей: Blue
Довжина волосся: Bald
Колір Волосся: Grey
Ню: Yes
Досвід: Experienced
Умови: Any
Усього: Світлини: 1,