About Me
Hi everyone, My name is Yentl, I'm from Belgium and 20 years old. I've been enjoying photoshoots for more than 2 years now and had a few small projects with a publication in Bo (Fashion Magazine) I would love to grow further in this... Kind regards, Yentl POTD Winner, 2018 august 13 POTD Winner, 2019 april 03
Model Info
Зріст: 170 CM
Вага: 56 KG
Чашка: D
Взуття: 1.0
Бюст: 84 cm
Талія: 69 cm
Стегна: 94 cm
Татування: None
Пірсінг: None
Колір очей: Brown
Довжина волосся: Long
Колір Волосся: Blonde
Ню: No
Досвід: Some Experience
Умови: Depends on Assignment