About Me
Hi there, I am a parisian model and actress. I recently understood that i don’t want to make just “pretty” pictures or films. I want to convey emotions through art, to make the viewers feel something. Now I want to professionalize my activities. So if you want to convey emotions with me, if you want to work, if you want to shoot, to expose my work, to ask me to be part of your movie, send a message, and i’ll answer you as soon as possible ! As long as it is professional and serious requests. I can move if a defrayal is provided. Hope you will like my portfolio and contact me for exciting projects ! xx
Model Info
Зріст: 177 CM
Вага: 56 KG
Чашка: A
Взуття: 26.0
Бюст: 229 cm
Талія: 165 cm
Стегна: 221 cm
Татування: Some
Пірсінг: Some
Колір очей: Blue
Довжина волосся: Long
Колір Волосся: Blonde
Ню: Yes
Досвід: Experienced
Умови: Paid Assignments Only