About Me
Hello everybody, My name is Cynthia and I'm from holland. I'm working as an international model for about two years now. I've been working in Istanbul, London, Barcelona, Cape Town, Milan, Germany and of course in my own country. In holland I'm signed with MAX models and you can find met there on the website: specialmax.nl/models/specials/cynthia-b/8012/4/ Lately I've been also working on some video/commercial work! If you want to stay up to date about my work, please like my facebook page: facebook.com/cynthiabaremans.page?ref=hl Cynthia
Model Info
Height: 3 CM
Weight: 51 KG
Cup: B
Shoe: 7.0
Bust: 206 cm
Waist: 165 cm
Hips: 229 cm
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Length: Long
Hair Color: Blonde
Shoot Nudes: No
Experience: Experienced
Compensation: n/a