About Me
Hi, Modelling is one of my biggest hobby, apart of dancing and mountain biking. For the past 7 year, I have been modelling for two norwegian model companies (Stavanger and Bergen). Working both in front of the camera as well as catwalk. I am looking for photographers and other related to this branch, who would like to work with me, exchange ideas and experience this beautiful art. (TFP/CD). Please visit my website: kriz.no - under construction. Mean while visit my FB PAGE: facebook.com/Krzysztof-Kuczynski-833143986730865/ I am quite flexible with my free time (afternoons and weekends). I have many friends both male & female who could join for the shoots ;) Don't hesitate and contact me. I will be pleased by meeting you!
Model Info
Height: 185 CM
Weight: 84 KG
Shoe: 10.5
Tatu: Some
Piercing: None
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Length: Short
Hair Color: Brown
Shoot Nudes: Yes
Experience: Experienced
Compensation: Any